Recreate Tesla Cybertruck in Matplotlib - Dunder Data Challenge #6 Solution

dunder data challenges Dec 10, 2019

In this post, we recreate the new Tesla Cybertruck using matplotlib and animate it so that it drives. Our goal is to recreate this image below.

Click the video at the top of this post to view the animation and final solution.

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A tutorial will now follow that describes the recreation. It will discuss the...

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Dunder Data Challenge #6 — Recreate the Tesla Cybertruck with Matplotlib

dunder data challenges Nov 26, 2019

In this challenge, you will recreate the Tesla Cybertruck unveiled last week using matplotlib. All challenges are available to be completed in your browser in a Jupyter Notebook now thanks to Binder (


Use matplotlib to recreate the Tesla Cybertruck image above.

Extra Challenge

Add animation so that it drives off the screen.

I’m still working on this challenge myself. My current recreation is below:


Become a pandas...

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Dunder Data Challenge #5 Solution

dunder data challenges Nov 25, 2019

This post presents a solution to Dunder Data Challenge #5 — Keeping Values Within the Interquartile Range.

All challenges may be worked in a Jupyter Notebook right now thanks to Binder (


We begin by finding the first and third quartiles of each stock using the quantile method. This is an aggregation which returns a single value for each column by default. Set the first parameter, q to a float between 0 and 1 to...

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Dunder Data Challenge #5 — Keeping Values Within the Interquartile Range

dunder data challenges Nov 14, 2019

In this challenge, you are given a table of closing stock prices for 10 different stocks with data going back as far as 1999. For each stock, calculate the interquartile range (IQR). Return a DataFrame that satisfies the following conditions:

  • Keep values as they are if they are within the IQR
  • For values lower than the first quartile, make them equal equal to the exact value of the first quartile
  • For values higher than the third quartile, make them equal equal to the exact value of the...
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Dunder Data Challenge #4 - Solution

dunder data challenges Nov 13, 2019

In this post, I detail the solution to Dunder Data Challenge #4 — Finding the Date of the Largest Percentage Stock Price Drop.


To begin, we need to find the percentage drop for each stock for each day. pandas has a built-in method for this called pct_change. By default, it finds the percentage change between the current value and the one immediately above it. Like most DataFrame methods, it treats each column independently from the others.

If we call it on our current...

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Dunder Data Challenge #4 - Finding the Date of the Largest Percentage Stock Price Drop

dunder data challenges Nov 12, 2019

In this challenge, you are given a table of closing stock prices for 10 different stocks with data going back as far as 1999. For each stock, find the date where it had its largest one-day percentage loss.

Begin working this challenge now in a Jupyter Notebook with Binder

Begin working this challenge now in a Jupyter Notebook thanks to Binder ( The data is found in the stocks10.csv file with the ticker symbol as a column name. The Dunder Data Challenges Github...

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Dunder Data Challenge #3 - Optimal Solution

dunder data challenges Sep 17, 2019

In this article, I will present an ‘optimal’ solution to Dunder Data Challenge #3. Please refer to that article for the problem setup. Work on this challenge directly in a Jupyter Notebook right now by clicking this link.

Naive Solution — Custom function with apply

The naive solution was presented in detail in the previous article. The end result was a massive custom function containing many boolean filters used to find specific subsets of data to...

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Dunder Data Challenge #3 - Naive Solution

dunder data challenges Sep 12, 2019

To view the problem setup, go to the Dunder Data Challenge #3 post. This post will contain the solution.

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I will first present a naive solution that...

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Dunder Data Challenge #3 - Multiple Custom Grouping Aggregations

dunder data challenges Sep 09, 2019

Welcome to the third edition of the Dunder Data Challenge series designed to help you learn python, data science, and machine learning. Begin working on any of the challenges directly in a Jupyter Notebook courtesy of Binder (

This challenge is going to be fairly difficult, but should answer a question that many pandas users face — What is the best way to perform a groupby that does many custom aggregations? In this context, a ‘custom...

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Dunder Data Challenge #2 - Explain the 1,000x Speed Difference when taking the Mean

dunder data challenges Sep 08, 2019

Welcome to the second edition of the Dunder Data Challenge series designed to help you learn python, data science, and machine learning. Begin working on any of the challenges directly in a Jupyter Notebook courtesy of Binder (

In this challenge, your goal is to explain why taking the mean of the following DataFrame is more than 1,000x faster when setting the parameter   numeric_only to True

Learn Data Science with Python

I have...

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