Your purchase includes:
- All directories and files (code) used to create the Coronavirus Forecasting Dashboard
- 13 Jupyter Notebooks with detailed instructions on how to build the dashboard
- 20+ exercises on different data analysis and model building tasks with detailed solutions
- A 200 page PDF of the text allowing you to search for specific content or read when not online.
- 12 hours of video lectures walking you through all of the content in the text
The course covers the following topics:
- Setting up the Environment
- Getting the Data
- Cleaning and Transforming the Data
- Data Smoothing
- Exponential Growth and Decline Models
- Logistic Growth Models
- Encapsulation into Classes
- Running the Entire Workflow
- Plotly Visualizations
- Fundamentals of HTML and CSS
- Building the Dashboard with Dash
- Deployment on a remote server
Visit the course home page to get a full description.